BODW is an annual flagship event organized by Hong Kong Design Centre since 2002. Today, BODW enjoys the reputation as one of the most significant events on Asia’s design calendar. This year, the week-long event will comprise the BODW Forum (an authoritative pointer for global design trends), concurrent events (covering brands, design, technology, city and the culture, design management and education, business of intellectual property etc.), exhibitions (for the public and trades) and the Detour community programme, aiming to inspire the participants about the power of design in building a better tomorrow.
BODW 2013 presents Belgium as Partner Country. With the pennant of “Belgian Spirit”, Belgium strives to bring its creativity, design and innovation to a higher level of internationalization. Under the spotlight will emerge dynamic Belgian speakers, their creative designing process and design-led solutions, as well as innovative products and services, refreshing the senses of the participants.